Personal wellbeing
Juice for life!
In the words of a famous motivational speaker & lifestyle guru – ‘Own a car but don't own a juicer, sell the car and buy a juicer!’
Every morning, the UK Lending team starts with a freshly made juice:
- one stick of celery,
- one carrot,
- one apple,
- one orange and
- a thumb sized piece of ginger.
Give it all a quick wash and top and tail the carrot, peel the orange and chop up the rest into bite size pieces.
This should prevent the juicer from working too hard. Put everything into the juicer and ta dah…!
Is this drink part of your 5 a day?…..probably….
Will it make the train arrive on time? ……unlikely.
Will the TV news burst into positivity and laughter, spreading news about how we all work better as part of a team than alone?…..even less likely.
On a personal note, if this drink makes us feel better, is it inside our heads? Or is it a subconscious thing? Well, I guess it really could be anything, however for us it provides a sense of wellbeing that we felt we needed to share.
Like all mortgage or loan disclaimers, your home may be at risk if etc….. if you have any allergies to any of the above named 5 ingredients than please refrain from drinking our uplifting morning juice concoction.